Honeycomb Vest

Vestvember is still in full swing here, never fear—just because I finished my first vest doesn’t mean I’m stopping! The Honeycomb Vest is finished!

honeycomb vest

I didn’t deliberately pick the color because of its warm honey tones, but boy does it fit for this pattern! The yarn was leftover from my Mirage, and this was a great stashbusting vest.

honeycomb vest

Honeycomb Vest (Knitty / Rav)
My project page
Started: Friday, October 30
Finished: Saturday, November 7
Yarn: Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool
Needles: US 4
Notes: I had some stupid weirdness with the “at the same time” directions for the front shoulders, and ended up with 1 too many stitches on both sides. At first I just decreased them away at the neck edge, but then I realized that this threw the pattern ever so slightly off, and it wouldn’t match up perfectly with the back. So I took it out and redid that.

honeycomb vest

I cabled without a cable needle but really wish I’d just done the “left cross” and “right cross” stitches, where you make a faux cable by working both stitches in a particular way. It would have been a lot faster. And if I’d done that I most definitely would have done the whole thing in the round; though mattress seaming two sides is not a big deal, it would have been really nice to have not had to think about that during the finishing.

One other word of advice for those making this: bind off in pattern. When I was redoing the front split I got lazy and just bound off in purl, and it made for a too-tall swath of knits on the right side. I considered duplicate stitching some purl bumps in later, but ultimately I just picked up for the neckline lower along the edge to hide it. I thought I could live with it, but it looked really awful. So just do it right from the get-go and learn from my lazy desire to finish quickly.

365x3.310 new vest, new shoes!

I’ve got 2 more vests I want to knit, so I’m not stopping anytime soon!

36 Responses to Honeycomb Vest

  1. sara says:

    it looks fantastic! thanks for the tip on the bindoff. i’ll have to remember that when i get to that point on the front. (not sure how i bound off the back because i knit that up so long ago.)

  2. Peacock Chic says:

    super cute!!Love the color and thanks for the advice as it serves for most projects. Do it right the first time! Words I try, but often don’t succeed, in living by.

  3. Kate says:

    Glorious! This one has been on my list for a while, I might have to bump it up the queue. Not that it’s really vest weather here, and I doubt I’ll look near as cute as you do in it!

  4. margaux says:

    holy crap! you got that done supafast! it looks fantastic!! :-) i love the color and your outfit! I cannot wait to see the next vest! I have yet to cast on but it’s coming soon!

  5. Marie says:

    I wore my Honeycomb yesterday and I noted how great it feels to wear – it has such a great structure to it. BTW that marriage of yarn and pattern really is fantastic! Beautiful job!

  6. Jacey says:

    I love it. It’s super flattering, and the color is really rich. I appreciate your pattern notes. It’s easy to be lazy on finishing, but you’re right; it really makes a difference in how you feel about the final product when you take the time to do things right.

  7. leo says:

    I know I’ve said it like 19 times already, but why not once more: NICE VEST. :) Also, I’m *really* surprised that’s the same yarn as your mirage, which just looks so much less mustard and more orange. Anyway, I’m not noting it to be an asshole – it’s just funny how different colors can look under different light.

  8. mai says:

    it looks great, erin! and lauren is right – the color really does look different in these photos than it did in the mirage photos. how funny! i can’t wait to see your next two vests.

  9. MavenKnits says:

    Wow! very pro. Your perfectionist do-overs are great. There is nothing like looking at an item in the closet, knowing that you could have fixed it. It rarely makes it back onto my body. I believe EZ had similar feelings on the subject.

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