posts tagged: 07 FOs


07 wrap-up

Well, there go the New Year’s resolutions. I made a little list for myself, and one of them–“Blog more”–has been woefully ignored. I’m happy to report that I’m keeping up my “10 minutes of straightening up every night” resolution, for the first time ever. So you win some, you lose some.

My biggest resolution for 2008 is to blog WIPs. We’ve all talked about and noticed the push to blog just FOs, and there is something so satisfying about the big reveal, but there will be no blog if I don’t blog WIPs. But first, let’s linger a bit longer on the FOs! 2007 had only 2 more FOs than 2006 (and one of those was freezer paper stenciling), and I’m not sure if I think that’s impressive or pathetic. It’s definitely one or the other. I’ll decide how I feel about it as 08 progresses, I think, as I either come to accept that I can only accomplish about this much in one year, or as I try to outstrip previous years’ results.

finished business


It feels as though it’s been forever since I revealed an FO ’round these parts. I’m happy to say that though I didn’t take a photo of the set, these babies are off the needles and on the hands of their recipient.

slowly twisting, in the wind

twist front top

The Twist-Front Top by Adrienne Vittadini is complete! I decided the Met would be the best spot for my photo shoot. It went great, but right as I was finishing up I was informed that if you want to use a tripod at the Met, even one as small as my Gorillapod, you have to check in with Security and get a permission slip. Apparently it’s easy to get permission, but you must seek it. Security guard who told me this? Crabby. No need to get snippy, lady.