lace socks #1: we have modeled shots!

My friend who was the intended recipient of these socks arrived for a long visit, and the first order of business was to have a photo shoot with her new socks!

zokni sockszokni sockszokni socks

They fit her perfectly; I was so relieved and thrilled. She also loved them, though she couldn’t wear them for long because they were making her feet hot. She was a trouper though, and let me take a zillion pictures of her feet, in all different areas of the apartment.

We’ve decided on an official name for the socks: the beautifully redundant Zokni Socks. My friend’s heritage is Hungarian, and zokni is the word for socks in Hungarian. (We used an English-Hungarian online dictionary; she doesn’t know any Hungarian besides the names of foods.) We considered adding the word for leafy, but there comes a point where the name just starts to get confusing or weird, so plain ol’ Zokni Socks it is. I suppose they should rightly be called “lace leaf socks,” or “elm leaf socks,” but let’s hope that people still find the pattern even with this nondescriptive title.

I finished the pattern this morning and can send it out via email. As I say in the pattern, I’d love, love, love to get photos of any finished pairs e-mailed to me. I can make a gallery of shots.

For now, the pattern will be available via e-mail only (mintyfreshflavor at gmail). Don’t feel weird e-mailing me to request it, please! I will be able to send out the pattern almost immediately so there shouldn’t be a long time from wanting it to getting it.

14 Responses to lace socks #1: we have modeled shots!

  1. Karen says:

    The Zokni Socks are great . . . and we got to learn a little Hungarian too!! I just knew they would fit her fine. Great job. I’m sending you an e-mail now about the pattern! :)

  2. Bossygirl says:

    Wow! Not only are you an awesome knitter, but an awesome photographer as well. Great shots of those gorgeous socks! Won’t your friend have fun wearing them when the air turns chilly???!!!

  3. Rachel says:

    Okay, so my general refusal to knit complicated socks is well documented, but if I were a lacy sock knitter, I would definitely be requesting this pattern. While that was an awkward compliment, it is sincere. :)

  4. Ashley says:

    How great that your friend appreciated the socks-her feet look so happy!

    (The first time I read the post, I read “zokni” as “zonki.” I think it’s stuck in my head that way. Zonki Socks!)

  5. Lisa says:

    I know this is a rather late comment, but I’ve knit your Anastasia socks with great success (in fact, it’s killing me to have to give them away!) and now I think these Zockni Socks will have be the next pair I cast on. Thanks so much for posting the pattern.

  6. Jax says:

    I’m way late to the party here, but I saw the name on Rav and put them on my queue because “beszelek egy kicsit magyarúl” :D

    The cool thing about Hungarian is that there’s no “correct” word order- word order determines emphasis. So if I say “to knit socks”, “kötni zokni” the emphasis is on the “knit”, but if I said “zokni kötni”, the emphasis would be on knitting socks as opposed to sweaters. So if you wanted to have leafy socks in Hungarian, the question would be if the leafy part was more important than the socks- “Leveles Zokni” or if the sock was more important than the leafy- “Zokni Leveles”.

  7. Terry G. says:

    First, thank you for sharing your beautiful Zokni Socks pattern. They are beautiful! I plan to begin knitting lacy socks soon and this will be one of the patterns I will strive to complete. If I manage to do so, I will definitely send a photo for your collection.

    Also wanted to ask: I noticed one of the commenters above mentioned that she doesn’t know how to knit socks yet and I wanted to offer a link to her and to anyone else for a free beginner’s pattern. I wrote it during my own experience learning how to knit socks because there didn’t seem to be one available at that time and I was getting soooo frustrated. Anyway, if Larissa is reading this, here is the link:

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