
A little life update . . .

366.316 • home decorating

The new apartment is slowly taking shape, little by little and bit by bit, and I’m knitting like a fiend on a sweater I started a week ago Sunday when I needed some relatively mindless knitting to get me through the election. I am determined to have it finished and ready to wear by Saturday, so wish me luck.

But if you’re a fellow foodie, check it out! One of my pictures is the Photo of the Day on SeriousEats.com. I’m tickled that it caught Adam Kuban’s eye.

19 Responses to floored

  1. trillian42 says:

    Hee – I saw that today. I saw the credit and went “OMG! I totally know her!” (OK, so that might be a slight overstatement, but we have at least met in person. :D)

    So cool that he liked that picture – it was very cool.

  2. gleek says:

    oh, this reminds me, i was meaning to ask you about the post-processing on this photo (or if it was SOOC)? :) anyway, can’t wait to see how your place is coming along!

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