feeling good!

My friend and fellow blogger Brett Bara is the new spokeswoman for the Land’s End Feel Good campaign, a pretty cool program to help out those less fortunate. She needs support from fellow knitters—and if you’re in the New York City area, you could get on TV for your efforts! It will mean getting up pretty early tomorrow, though.Here’s info about the campaign, straight from Brett’s email to me:

I’m very pleased to be helping out by serving as the spokesperson for this cause, and I would so appreciate your help in spreading the word to the knit/crochet community!

First, here are some details about the campaign: Land’s End will donate 5,000 pounds of its exclusive FeelGood yarn (which is the same yarn used to manufacture their FeelGood sweaters) to Warm Up America, a charity that provides hand knit and crochet items to those in need. The 5,000 pounds of yarn is enough to make 64,000 blanket squares—so we really need help in getting all the squares made!! Warm Up America will distribute the yarn to knitters and crocheters, who will make it into 7×9″ “squares,” which will be sewn together by volunteers into big, warm blankets and donated to those in need.

To participate or to learn how to get free FeelGood yarn, knitters and crocheters should visit the FeelGood website at www.landsend.com/feelgood. There they will also find patterns to make knit or crochet squares, as well as videos hosted by me (Brett Bara), demonstrating how to make knit or crochet squares.

To kick off the event, I’ll be appearing on the CBS Early Show on Wednesday, Sept 29 from 7-9am. Knitters and crocheters who live in the NYC area are invited to attend the taping [see below for details]. And all others are encouraged to watch the show for lots of yarny fun! We are expecting hundreds of stitchers to attend—the goal is to show the Early Show viewers how HUGE knitting and crocheting are, by taking over the show’s plaza with our own personal knit-out. We’ll all be knitting/crocheting on camera, and I’ll be doing an interview with the show’s host about the FeelGood program.

After the show airs, all that’s left to do is make 64,000 squares! The message we really want to get out is that all it takes is a simple square to make a difference. Please consider blogging, tweeting, or Facebooking about this program. We want to encourage crafters to watch the CBS Early Show on Wednesday, and to visit the Land’s End website to watch our videos and request FeelGood yarn and make squares for the campaign.

Knitters and crocheters are still welcome to come and be part of the event! You’ll need to be there from 7-9am on September 29th (we suggest arriving early, around 6:00am), at the plaza of the General Motors Building at 59th Street and 5th Avenue in NYC. After the taping ends at 9am we’re invited for a private tour of the Early Show studio. We’ll provide you with FeelGood yarn at the event and we will all work on making knit or crochet blanket squares during the taping. Just RSVP to let us know if you can attend—email us at knitwithbrett @ gmail.com and tell us how many will be in your group.

I am still debating the early wake-up for tomorrow, but you can bet I’ll be watching along! (Brett’s going to kill me when she realizes I might not be there. Ha!)

2 Responses to feeling good!

  1. Bea Worsham says:

    Hi, I heard about your program yesterday and would love to make some squares in crochet to help some people.

    Please send me the info I need.


    Bea Worsham

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