posts tagged: tanks

slowly twisting, in the wind

twist front top

The Twist-Front Top by Adrienne Vittadini is complete! I decided the Met would be the best spot for my photo shoot. It went great, but right as I was finishing up I was informed that if you want to use a tripod at the Met, even one as small as my Gorillapod, you have to check in with Security and get a permission slip. Apparently it’s easy to get permission, but you must seek it. Security guard who told me this? Crabby. No need to get snippy, lady.

falling in love all over again

spin out

It’s not the weather, since the past week stayed hot and humid. It’s not a return to school, since I work a full-time job and haven’t been in school for years. It must be some inner psychological link to the equinox, because we hit the official start of fall and I’ve been in a knitting frenzy ever since. Proof beyond the break.

compliments are a funny thing

I got to work yesterday and no one said anything about the Tivoli. This, in some strange way, was the biggest compliment I could get. When someone asked me what I’d done over the weekend, I told the story of the party we went to, and then said, “and I finished this.” Then I got a “you made that?” and that, too, was a high compliment.