sunrise circle: all but the buttons!

When last we spoke, I had sewn the left half of my Sunrise Circle Jacket on. This was just last night. But look at it now!

sunrise w/o buttons

This is a very good approximation of the color. Click to see in its entirety!

Mental note: When making a piece that requires buttons, buy the buttons, if possible, before you finish the seaming. Because if you’re on a roll with seaming, you maybe won’t balk at putting on buttons. But if you wait . . .

(No pictures of it on me because, well, it’s too small. It’s a gift for my mom, remember? Anyway, once it’s really done, I’ll try a photo shoot—it’s snug but doesn’t fit me all that badly. When I make myself one (did you hear that? I said when, not if—but don’t hold me to it), I’ll go up a size.)

11 Responses to sunrise circle: all but the buttons!

  1. candsmom says:

    Your jacket looks amazing!! It’s so gorgeous in that color. And you knit it so fast, too! Looking at yours makes me want to knit one, too. Beautiful work! Take care! :-)

  2. Laura says:

    Looks wonderful. The stitch definition with you yarn is much better than the original. You can really see the construction of the garment–and the construction is the most interesting part of it.

    I look forward to seeing version 2.

  3. goodkarma says:

    Oh my goodness, it’s beautiful! Can’t wait to see buttons and a model. So if you go up a size for yourself, how does that size compare to your own bust measurement? Just wondering, now that you’ve made one for yourself, how you would deal with ease. Love that color. :) Can you tell us how much yarn you used? Was it comparable to what the pattern called for? I’m trying to see how many questions I can ask. ha!

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