Knitting It Old School

I’ve been sitting on this awesome news for MORE THAN A YEAR, guys. A year! That’s like . . . seven dog years. Fifteen cat years. Approximately 4mm of a tree’s trunk diameter. Almost 526 THOUSAND minutes. Like I say, it’s a long time.

A long time to keep a secret.

I’m bad at keeping secrets, really. I like to share my life with people, and I like knowing what’s going on. But this? I kept it a secret. And now here it is!

knitting it old school

Caro and Stitchy went and created a totally original, totally awesome knitting (and crochet) book. Inspired by photos from patterns of the past (most of which I probably wouldn’t have given a second glance, but these two saw a hint of something good), they went to many different illustrious designers and asked for modern interpretations. I’m pretty tickled that I was asked to contribute.

The Sock Hop Sweater and Socks set is my design:

Knitting It Old School

And Caro and Stitchy combined it with 40+ other awesome patterns (many of which I can’t wait to make) and created such a killer book.

The patterns are listed separately: Go queue them! Go fave them! See them, plus all the other patterns, on Ravelry.

socks sweater

19 Responses to Knitting It Old School

  1. Bertha says:

    I wish amazon would hurry the frig up with my copy of the book! I love your design so much and can’t wait to see the rest!

  2. boonerang says:

    IT’S HERE!!

    The design looks great and maximum respect to everyone who helped make it happen. I can’t pull off those socks… I’ve got my dad’s calves.

  3. Caro says:

    I can’t wait to share some of the inspiration photos too. You did such a great job on this one! Thank you! I wanna make the set for myself.

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