Merion Mitts

A lot of us on the East Coast and Midwest in the US woke up this morning to snow, with the threat of a lot more overnight tonight—but it was just unseasonably warm a few days ago! Such is the way with winter, huh? You think it’s on its way out, and it comes tearing right back in. I suppose it was to be expected—March does come in like a lion, right?

Get your hands ready for the last burst of winter—and keep your fingers warm on those spring (or fall) days when it’s notquite warm enough to be without knitted goods—with the Merion Mitts, my latest pattern!

merion mitts (by mintyfreshflavor)

merion mitts (by mintyfreshflavor)

Knit in the round in a worsted weight yarn on size 5 needles, the resulting mittens are squishy and warm. The seed stitch palm is a little treat to yourself, and the Maypole pattern up the back will have you thinking about May Day. It’s just around the corner, I swear. But you’re going to need something to keep your fingers warm in the meantime.

via Ravelry for just $6!

Available in two sizes—women’s large (modeled by Ashley) and small (modeled by Pam)!
Instructions include the Maypole pattern both written out and in chart form!
Clever decreases preserve directionality for a professional, finished look!
Look amazing in Malabrigo and other worsted-weight yarns!

26 Responses to Merion Mitts

  1. Heather R says:

    Hey! Is the orange sweater in the first picture knitted too? I love it. If so, what is the pattern? It’s even cold today in South Florida, I could use those mittens! Love your work.

    Heather R.

  2. Janet says:

    Yay, the pattern is here! I just purchased it and am now off to see if I have any suitable yarn in the stash. Thanks for a darling pattern!

  3. Elissa says:

    oh, i have just found you on a google search for turtles! i only just learned to knit this past winter, but when i feel my skills are up to par, i would LOVE to buy this pattern. it is BEAUTIFUL. i love all the texture! i’ll be back, you have lovely things here and you are INCREDIBLY talented!

  4. Marta says:

    hey, I love your work and your blog!! I’m a reader from Spain, to shy to comment… I would like to ask you if you can share with me your fav yarn stores in NYC as I’m travelling there within one week. Thanks in advance!!

  5. Megan says:

    The Mitts are lovely. I came across your site while looking for a pattern for the Hermione Sweater from the 5th movie and was wondering if you had any luck with your sweater or an Idea of where else to look.


  6. Beckie says:

    So I am having a hard time figuring out the knot stitch. Do I slip each stitch individually or all together(which seems impossible)? I tried to do them individually but it didn’t look right. I am a decent knitter but have never made a knot before and am struggling. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  7. Ada says:

    Hi there,

    I am loving this pattern but keep hitting a snag with the thumb gusset. I’ve ripped back twice because I can’t figure out how to keep the raised rib going with the increased stitches. The sequence of knits and purls gets all garbled. It’s really round 5 of the gusset that stumps me. If I could figure that out, I think the rest should go smoothly. I’d really appreciate any guidance you could offer on this. Thanks very much.

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