posts tagged: plans

baby baby

The procreating this year continues to amaze me. I added a list of babies to my sidebar, because I need to keep track of all of them and this is the best way I can think of. If you read my “the future” post, you read about six babies. Note that there are eight in the list at right. Ah yes, the dad of one baby that I decided I wouldn’t knit for has just invited us to the baby shower–in a very informal capacity, but it’s not as if I can show up empty handed. And another coworker announced the expectation of his 2nd. (Not til October! Phew!)

Both will get little toys of some kind–NOT sweaters! Stop being so fertile, everyone.

the future

Kiri is upstairs blocking. It’s, uh, going to have to undergo some tinkering. I may still have a photo shoot this weekend, but despite using a size 10 needle for the castoff, it is too tight; I cannot coax the edging into pretty scallops, and I think I want pretty scallops. The boy says that it looks nice, but I’m really not satisfied. This is my favorite photo of the process.

another baby!??

I just got word from a high school friend that his wife is preggers, due in May. This puts my total up to 5 babies by June/July! (I might not knit something for one of the pregnant coworkers, though how hard is a pair of bootees? I do love them so, after all.)

I’m so anxious for my Crayon yarn to arrive. I can’t track the package, though, so I have no idea where it might be. Keeping my fingers crossed that it arrives today, but maybe I’ll just get started on all the bootees for the folks who won’t get bigger deal stuff. So far the list stands at:

yarn is on its way!

The Crayon from KnitPicks shipped out yesterday. I’m really hoping it arrives by the weekend, because I have the long weekend and it’d be fun to play around with the Fibonacci blanket as soon as I can. I actually went with just five colors, following the suggestion of Diana. This way I can repeat the colors on their way around, and just that one center square is done in a single color. It’ll go red, orange, yellow, green, blue, red, orange, yellow, green. This gives the center square some oomph, and I like the lack of pink and purple. I also bought enough yarn to do two blankets–the second one in a different color order.