posts tagged: kid projects

just because i’m determined


Or, just because I’m insane.

Or, just because I’m a show-off.

Or, just because it started to be a game.

Or, just because there’s no possible way I’ll keep this up after tonight, but I had to at least try!

That’s right folks. FOUR finished objects in FOUR DAYS. Is this a PR? Oh yeah. I’m no marathoner like my dad, but this was a knitting marathon, of sorts.

welcome to the world, linnea!

A dear friend from college, for whom I was a bridesmaid, just had her first baby yesterday! I knit the (secret from the blog) purple sweater for her, but I am still at work on the pattern and haven’t mailed it off yet. (It wouldn’t fit her yet anyway.) I couldn’t resist posting the photo that was sent around, however, of Linnea in her adorable knit hat–what a fabulous pattern. I didn’t knit it, and I don’t know who did, but is this not the cutest thing!?

mr muffeleta, ne mr mumbles

I just had to share this story with you all, because it made me so happy.

Last Thursday I stayed up past 1am to finish knitting Mr Mumbles for our friend before the boy left for a weekend with the guys. He got back Sunday night and started telling me about the trip, when I cut him of—did you remember to give Mr Mumbles to AC?

crossing another baby off the list

Last night I tooled around with a gift for my friend LK’s baby. LK is perhaps a bigger Buffy fan than I am; she owns all 7 seasons on DVD, whereas I stalled out at the first 3 (and she bought me season 3!). Now, I don’t know if the baby will be a boy or a girl, but I think she’ll like a Buffy-themed gift even if she has a boy—maybe he’ll grow up to have all the good qualities of, say, Xander (but not the dumb ones).

So I knit up a baby-sized Mr. Pointy.