posts tagged: memes

7 things

central park lake!

I got tagged for the “7 Random Facts” meme by KnitAnnie (who is not Annie Knits; don’t confuse them!), and you know what, it couldn’t have come at a better time, because I just have nothing to say otherwise! I’ve been too busy to post or knit. I’m trying to think of things that you guys most likely don’t know already about me–it’s tough!

10 unknowns

Rachel just posted her 10 knitterly things, and it jogged my memory–I’ve been pondering this one for weeks now. Mine is a potentially offensive list. Please don’t take it all personally, they’re all just my opinions, and they’re things I generally keep to myself. But this is the forum to air them out. So without further ado:


I saw on Jessica‘s blog that Deb was doing a meme/contest regarding November calendar pages. Being that November is also my birthday month, I had to participate!

still no photos of anything

I’m still too shy to pull out the camera. Can you believe it!? Me, the woman who brazenly takes pictures of the back of people while walking down the street can’t bring herself to pull the knitting out in her cube and snap a shot. Or to go outside onto the street and do the same. I’ll get over it soon enough, I promise, but in the meantime, some random things you don’t need to know about me: