posts tagged: mittens

Merion Mitts

merion mitts

A lot of us on the East Coast and Midwest in the US woke up this morning to snow, with the threat of a lot more overnight tonight—but it was just unseasonably warm a few days ago! Such is the way with winter, huh? You think it’s on its way out, and it comes tearing right back in. I suppose it was to be expected—March does come in like a lion, right?

Get your hands ready for the last burst of winter—and keep your fingers warm on those spring (or fall) days when it’s notquite warm enough to be without knitted goods—with the Merion Mitts, my latest pattern!

and after all that, i got sick

KBC mittens!

I’m one of those people who gets sick after a stressful event. In college, I got sick on every visit home; for a while in Philly I was getting sick each weekend. I moved to New York, and the constant stress was such that I didn’t actually catch a cold until the week after I stopped working at my job. So after these past few weeks, in which I had a lot of fun but did a LOT, I’m now sick! And home on a Friday night, so I’m talking to you guys for the first time in ages.

next project

While my momentum is actually here, I am thinking about my next project. Knitty’s all-men issue has an awesome pair of mittens–the manly mitts. I’m no stranger to stranded knitting (someday I’ll post the photo of the Christmas stocking I made last winter), and I’ve been wanting new mittens. I still really like my double-thick mittens, but they are falling apart, and I’d like to try making a new type, anyway. (New challenges and all that.)